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Strategic 规划 Consultant在多伦多

罗恩·斯图尔特,P.英格., 工商管理硕士, is a Regional Director for IBI Group, responsible for the leadership and oversight of the company’s ten offices across the Canada East Region. Ron has over 35 years of experience in 交通运输工程, managing and administering resources, building collaborative multidisciplinary teams, and delivering successful projects. Having joined IBI Group in 1998, Ron is very familiar with its history, work, and people.  他在以下方面提供专业知识 交通工程道路安全; 交通规划, 交通系统, intelligent transportation systems, and signal system operations and maintenance to numerous clients in the private and public sectors across Canada, 在市政府, 省, 在联邦层面. Before IBI Group, Ron served as Senior Manager, Traffic 系统 with the City of Toronto.

Ron has a Bachelor of Applied Science in Civil 工程 from the University of Waterloo and a Master of Business Administration from York University. He is a member of the Professional 英格ineers of Ontario, the Institute of Transportation 英格ineers, and the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC). He is an active member of TAC’s Traffic Operations and Management Standing Committee.
